Christina I & II

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Her Imperial Majesty
Christina I & II
Christina Hamilton Nowell
Christina I & II speaking at MicroCon 2022

Summi Imperatoria of Cycoldia and the Imperium
  • Lur: 2019 – present
    Dathuria: 2019 – present
    Creek & Lake: 2020 – present
    Lacia: 2020 – present
    Altearn: 2020 – present
    Jockromasa: 2021 – present
    Sequeria: 2021 – present
    Nicaea: 2024 – present
    Ela'r'oech: 2021 – 2021
Assumed office
6 November 2018
Prime Ministers
Chief Marshals
See list
Predecessor Throne established
Personal information
Born 6 May 2005 (2005-05-06) (age 19)
Denver, Colorado, United States
Citizenship  Cycoldian Imperium
 Grand Republic of Cycoldia
United States of America
Nationality Cycoldian American
Ethnicity British American
Political party Monarchist
Other political
Liberal Democrats (UK)
Democratic Party (US)
Significant Other Sage Newcom
House Royal House of Nowell
Residence Olympia, Cycoldia
(Wembley, United Kingdom)
Alma mater Prezan Military Academy
Clear Lake High School
Religion Pagan
Coat of arms
Military service
Allegiance  Cycoldia
 Cycoldian Imperium
In service 2018 -
Rank Summi Imperatoria (GRC)
Unit Empress' First Division
Awards See awards

Christina I & II (Christina Hamilton Nowell, born 6 May 2005) is the current reigning Summi Imperatoria[1] of Cycoldia and the Cycoldian Imperium and is an intermicronational politician, herald, businesswoman, and administrator on the DoveArchives.[2]

She has been involved in the private sector around the press and statistics publications, having been a co-host of MicroRamble and serving as editor-in-chief of the Grandeur Print, which she owns as Chairwoman of Empreton Holdings. As well she as the Public Relations Secretary for Statistic-Dime and a member of the board of directors prior to her departure from the company, and served on the board of directors of DSD Statistics. She is the Chairwoman and sole shareholder of Empreton Holdings, the largest currently existing company in Cycoldia. She as well served as the honourary Secretary General of the United Editors League, a micronational press union.[3]

Christina graduated from Clear Lake High School in 2023.[4] Following this, she moved to the United Kingdom, where she currently is attending the University of Westminster for a Bachelor's Degree with Honours in Politics. In micronational education, she attended Prezan Military Academy, the Draculian run military academy, graduating as the valedictorian of the first class ever held for basic curriculum. She graduated at the rank of Cadet Corporal.[5]

Personal life

Christina was born on 6 May 2005 in Denver, Colorado. At a young age her parents divorced, causing her to go from each house to the other commonly. Her father later moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico for work, with Christina moving between the 2 houses commonly. Afterwards her father moved to Houston, Texas, followed soon by her mother. She came out as transgender on the 26 September 2019, later becoming an advocate of LGBTQ+ Rights.

She publicly has stated that she is attending university at the University of Westminster for a Bachelor's Degree with Honours in Politics. She has as well publicly stated she wishes to immigrate entirely to the United Kingdom, and not move back to the United States of America.


Christina joined the Academy of Arms on 17 August 2021, becoming the Empreton Pursuivant the next day. She worked on multiple commissions for the academy, later then being promoted to the Officer-in-Waiting of the Academy of Arms, and being made to the Empreton Herald. Later the positions of specific names for Heralds and Pursuivants was abolished by dictate of the Marshal of Arms, and so therefore she changed office to simply be a Herald and Officer-in-Waiting. In this capacity she has continued to work as the Officer-in-Waiting and still works on commissions.

As well Christina has served as the Imperium Herald of Arms of the Joint Heraldic Authority since 12 May 2022 being one of the Heralds of the Authority, and one of the two Heralds who come from Cycoldia, the other being Arthur Lacey-Scott. She has designed coats of arms for members of the Royal House of Nowell, and the coat of arms of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia. Past this as well she is a member of the Heraldry Society, a British organisation founded by John Brooke-Little.


Christina has been very vocal of her political ideals, such as advocating for Constitutional Monarchy and for LGBTQ+ Rights. She describes herself as a Royalist. She primarily supports the Democratic Party over the Republican due to her belief that the parties are becoming extreme,[6] and says the Republican Party is becoming radicalized to a further degree than the Democratic Party in the United States. She as well has stated her advocacy for protection of people with mental illnesses, having publicly included statements on mandated reporting.[7]

She has as well has stated that an unconstitutional monarchy would not work in modern society, and that an American Monarchy would not function properly and therefore should not be persued in any form. As well she has stated her support for the reign of Michael I having said that he was "a man who lead his country through one of its hardest times in history, and tried to salvage what it was in the end" and saying that for herself "it is saddening that he never got his crown back."[8]

Publicly she as well has endorsed the Liberal Democrats in the United Kingdom, having as well stated she is against the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom, and alleged that the Labour Party is against LGBTQ+ Rights, having often compared the Conservative Party to Labour.

Religion in politics

Christina has stated many times regarding her stance that religion in politics is highly inappropriate and has stated that in the United States, the current stance of the Republic Party is to perpetuate Christianity in the political process. She was the author and main champion of the Religious Extremism Act within Cycoldia[9] which criminalised religious leaders telling their congregants to commit any crimes, citing it as "Religious Incitement". It as well declared regarding the protections of religions, saying that religions which do the following were not protected by the Third Amendment of the Cycoldian Constitution.

Religions that control or limit someone’s freedom of expression, someone’s basic human rights, or any policies of the religion that may injure or cause harm emotionally to its own members or people outside of the religion fall under this act.

— Religious Extremism Act of 2020

Politics in the United States

Throughout her life Christina has described herself as in favour of the Democrats, though she has as well stated against the Democrats in the past, becoming increasingly more critical of the party in regards to economic policy and hesitancy with progressivism. She has described herself previously as an extreme progressive, including saying that her advocacy for progressivism is separate from her ideology regarding economics and economic inequality. She has as well previously stated on economics in the United States that "capitalism hasn't failed, the government failed to regulate it" in reference to her philosophy that capitalism in the United States should not be practiced by the government.

She previously as well has called the Texas GOP a pro-fascism and anti-democratic organisation[10] and has called Gregory Abbott "insurmountably horrendous" and compared his actions as Governor of Texas to the actions of George Wallace's pro-segregation governorship in Alabama.[11] She as well has called the United States Supreme Court the "enemy of the people" for their ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health[12] and endorsed Beto O'Rourke for Governor of Texas in the 2022 Texas gubernatorial election.[13]

Politics in the United Kingdom

Christina has stated her support of the Liberal Democrats, including her Twitter account, in which she includes an orange diamond in her username, a common signifier for the Liberal Democrats.[14] She has denounced the use of Section 35 of the Scotland Act against the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in Scotland,[15] denouncing both Kier Starmer and Rishi Sunak for their positions on it, comparing Labour Party under Starmer to the Conservative Party.

Christina has said she is a unionist regarding Ireland, replying to a question on it from Nicholas Lokin that she personally is a unionist. She has also stated her opposition to Scottish Independence, stating that it is "misguided" in her statement regarding the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, stating that:

The current issue that I raise for it is concerning that the Union must survive even if there is a government that should not stand, even if there is a government such as the one currently in London that does oppose directly the devolution of Scotland.

— Statement on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill within Scotland

She has openly advocated for the monarchy of the United Kingdom, and has openly commented against republicanism in the United Kingdom, having stated her personal distain for the group Republic, having stated that they "waste money on inconsequential things" and called on their supporters to instead focus on other issues, such as violence against transgender people, climate change, and opposition to the Conservative Party.

Micronational career

Christina I & II speaking with Ronald Hall, Vice President of the Republic of West Who at MicroCon 2022.

Christina has held many offices among many different micronations, though the micronation she works most in is Cycoldia. She as well has served in multiple intermicronational positions, such as her position as a Patroller at MicroWiki. She as well formerly served as a Moderator to MicroWiki@Discord until her resignation.[16] She was an attendee at MicroCon 2019 and MicroCon 2022.

Other intermicronational activitied she participates in was serving as the secondary delegate for Lytera in the Grand Unified Micronational and the delegate for Cycoldia to the YAMO Federation. In the 2021 December Election for Chair of the Grand Unified Micronational she was running as a candidate with Amelia Banks as her running mate for Vice-Chair. She later resigned as a delegate on 4 January 2022 after the appointment of Abrams Wiucki-Dunswed as Supreme Justice.

I cannot applicably serve as a representative to a body which shoots itself in the foot every step it takes.

— Christina I & II commenting on her resignation, 5 January 2022

Cycoldian Imperium

Christina was the founder of the Cycoldian Imperium by Imperial Order 2.7,[17] and has overseen several joinings into the Imperium, and serves as the monarch of Cycoldia, Jockromasa, Lur, Dathuria, the UKCL, Sequeria, and Altearn as a partial member. She has overseen several nations joining the Cycoldian Imperium, and oversaw the exiting of the Imperium by Ela'r'oech along with at the time colonial governor of Ela'r'oech, Moradin Fenri.

Christina I & II, Zar Antov, Yvan Bertjens, and Nicholas I waving from the venue of MicroCon 2023 Ypres.

Since her creation of the Imperium it has been placed within all treaties of Cycoldia in its management of the Foreign Office of Cycoldia with Arthur Lacey-Scott as both Foreign Minister and Colonial Minister. She designed the colonial ensigns of the members of the Imperium personally as well, though Chris Ramsay wrote the heraldic reform of the Imperium with design advice by Christina. Her work in heraldry with the Imperium as well has aided towards the expansion of the Imperium through heraldic reform, such as heraldic reform in Sequeria.


Christina founded the Grand Republic of Cycoldia on November 6, 2018, as an absolute monarchy, being confirmed as monarch on the same day. She later authored the Constitution of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia after the 5th Civil War, which established the General Assembly and changed the nation to a constitutional monarchy. As well after this she approved the changes to succession to the crown to make it a hereditary monarchy rather than elective after a suggestion of it came from the General Assembly.[18]

She sat as the Chief Justice during the trial of Gavin Baltunes, which was the first court case held in Cycoldia, and she has continued to serve as Chief Justice on the Supreme Court of Cycoldia since the establishment of the court. As well she will continue to serve as the Chief Justice until she either dies or resigns from the court, though she has recently at no point described an intention to do so. She as well has served as a member of the General Assembly as the Royal Seat within the assembly.[19]


Christina began work within Ostton by being invited by the at the time President of the Federation, Devin Purcell, and worked as the Presidential Legal Counsel during his impeachment trial, with the impeachment against Purcell being defeated. Following this, she formally applied for and recieved citizenship in Ostton, and was elected to the National Assembly, taking her oath to sit in the National Assembly on 23 May 2023. Later, she was appointed as Minister of Justice, serving in the role until resigning from both on 19 June 2023, with her resignation as Minister of Justice being accepted by President Zerorius Hiruko on 29 June 2023.

Christina was later appointed by the National Assembly as one of Ostton's delegates to the Organisation of Democratic and Free Micronations, her being appointed to the position on 27 November 2023. She joined the National Assembly again on 12 February 2024, with her meeting with Tobey Wyles in London the same day, as well announcing her candidacy for President of the Federation the same day. Her candidacy primarily focused on charging those involved with David Brooke's attempted coup against Ostton. Brooke himself dropped out of the race on 15 February, with him and several of the other coupists leaving Ostton on the same day.

The February 2024 presidential election occured between 18 and 19 February, and resulted in Christina's victory,in which afterwards she was sworn in on 20 February, submitting her oath of office to the National Assembly, and taking office as President of the Federation. She served until the end of the Federal Republic of Ostton, in which the Federal Republic dissolved by referendum.[20]


Visual of Awards

Ribbon bars of Christina I & II

Breast Stars of Christina I & II

List of awards

Depiction of the uniform of Christina I & II with Cycoldian decorations on it.
Nation Name of Award Date of Awarding
 Cycoldia Protector of the Order of Nowell 6 November 2018
Protector of the Order of Christina I 21 March 2019
Sovereign of the National Order of Valour[21] 6 May 2022
Sovereign of the Noble Order of the Shattered Sword[22] 6 November 2022
Sovereign of the Order of Merit[22] 6 November 2022
Cycoldian Cross with Imperium clasp[22] 6 November 2022
Protector of the Order of Eugene 19 November 2019
Sovereign of the Order of Diplomatic Service[21] 6 May 2022
Grand Commander of the Order of Grandeur 25 December 2021
Protector of the Order of Elswick 9 October 2020
Grand Commander of the Sovereign Order of the Golden Heart[23] 23 January 2020
Quinquennium Jubilee Medal of Christina I & II[24] 6 November 2023
Grand Commmander of the Order of the Cycoldian New Years 1 January 2020
Imperial Badge of Excellency 15 August 2019
 Mativati Commonwealth Defense Medal 30 June 2019
Parliamentary Collective of States Prime Council Medal of Civility 7 July 2019
MicroCon Committee MicroCon 2019 Attendance Medal 19 July 2019
MicroCon 2023 North America Medal 31 June 2023
MicroCon 2023 Europe Medal 12 August 2023
 West Who Space and Planet Exploration Medal 20 July 2019
Medal of Friendship 6 August 2022
 Danduros Medal of Friendship 20 July 2019
 Matachewan-Prussia Double Eagle 1st Class 22 July 2019
 Caddia Dame of Caddia First Class 20 July 2019
 Altearn Altearn Glory Medal 22 September 2019
Niagara-Midoria Union Govern Badge 11 November 2019
Union Stand Badge 11 November 2019
Union Watch Badge 11 November 2019
 Matachewan Cross of Saint Andrew 31 August 2020
Jockromasa Order of the Holy Eagle First Class[25] 2 December 2020
 Gradonia Dame of the Order of William I[26] 31 December 2020
 Australis Member of the Order of the Grand Duke 31 December 2020
Order of Hamilton 5 April 2021
 Lytera Viscountess of the Most Excellent Order of Cavendish 27 April 2021
Master of the Most Excellent Order of Amelia[27] 31 December 2020
 Oskonia Member of the Order of Tucker I 11 June 2021
Order of Inspiration 8 May 2021
Dracul Attendance Award 15 July 2021
Good Conduct Ribbon 15 July 2021
Professional Development Ribbon 15 July 2021
 Mimas Dame Grand Cross of the Order of Saturn[28] 16 July 2021
 Sildavia Dame of the Order of Alexandra Feodorovna[29] 23 December 2021
Grand Cross of the Order of the Royal House of Sildavia[30] 15 August 2021
Commemorative Medal of the First Queen's Day[29] 23 December 2021
Commemorative Medal of the Cotton Jubilee 17 February 2022
Wynnland Officer of the Most Exelent Order of the Wynnish Empire[31] 17 October 2021
 Raphania Honorary Dame of the Order of the Pebble 2 November 2021
 Pontunia Dame of the Order of Andrew I 8 March 2022
 Penn Order of Foreign Service 15 March 2022
Commemorative Medal of the Second Anniversary of Foundation[32] 21 February 2023
 Lehmark Member of the Order of Citizens 31 May 2022
 Westarctica Dame Commander of the Order of the Snowflake 1 July 2023
Dame of the Order of the Polar Cross 5 August 2022
Kolios Gold Friendship Cross of Kolios 5 August 2022
 Ladonia Diplomatic Service Medal with the MicroCon 2022 clasp 6 August 2022
 Sancratosia Member of the Honourable Order of the Martlet 11 November 2022
Medal For Diplomatic Relations 1 July 2023
Friendship Star 1 July 2023
 Garránia Dame Commander of the Order of Garránia 21 March 2023
 Aksana Order of the Golden Banner Honourary First Class 28 April 2023
Belmoor Beloved of Belmoor 31 June 2023
 Molossia Medal of Statesmanship 1 July 2023
 Slabovia King's Mark of Friendship 1 July 2023
Ruritania Amity Medal 1 July 2023
Obscurium Friendship Medal 13 August 2023
Pleiso Order of Merit Third Class 22 November 2023
Third Anniversary Medal 22 November 2023

Standards and arms

Coat of arms of Christina I & II
27 November 2019
Quarterly I and IV grandquarters, quarterly I Assembly Bleu a coronet jeweled of Gules and Vert gems proepr, II Assembly Bleu, a dragon segreant Gules, III Assembly Bleu, a Cycoldian Cross sable proper bordered and tipped Argent and IV Assembly Bleu, five arrows point downward Argent barbed Gules and tied together by a ribbon Or, II and III, Quarterly II and III grandquarters, quarterly II and III Argent, two lions combatant Sable, I and IV Or, between two chevronels Gules a lion rampant of the same
Grandeur by Force
Order of Nowell
Order of Eugene
Banner of HIM Christina I & II
Standard of HIM Christina I & II

Banners and flags

The imperial standard of Cycoldia is used to represent the Summi Imperatoria both in Cycoldia and overseas. It is the personal coat of arms of the sovereign in banner form undifferentiated. In contrast, she bears several heraldic banners representative of her being the monarch of all of the members of the Cycoldian Imperium.

Imperial Standard of Christina I & II
Banner of Christina I & II in Cycoldia
Banner of Christina I & II in Lur
Banner of Christina I & II in Dathuria
Banner of Christina I & II in the UKCL
Banner of Christina I & II in Altearn
Banner of Christina I & II in Jockromasa
Banner of Christina I & II in Sequeria

Other coats of arms

Foreign Coats of Arms
Coat of Arms of Christina I & II as Duchess of Winecup in Sunsonia
(2020 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Christina I & II as a Herald of Arms in the Academy of Arms
(2021 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Christina I & II as Imperium Herald of the Joint Heraldic Authority
(2022 – 2022)
Coat of Arms of Christina I & II as Freifrau von Aecus in Wynnland
(2022 – 2022)
Armigerous National Coats of Arms
Coat of Arms of the Cycoldian Imperium
(2021 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Cycoldia
(2018 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Lur
(2019 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Dathuria
(2020 – Present)
Coat of Arms of the UKCL
(2020 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Altearn
(2020 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Jockromasa
(2021 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Sequeria
(2021 – Present)
Coat of Arms of Ela'r'oech
(2021 - 2021)


  1. Grand Republic of Cycoldia Monarchy
  2. Office of Parliamentary Affairs of Cycoldia Office Disclosure Form OPA-1-3 (15 May 2023)
  3. Office of Parliamentary Affairs of Cycoldia Office Disclosure Form OPA-1 (14 April 2023)
  4. Twitter - Cycoldia Tweet (27 May 2023)
  5. Twitter - Stephen Luke Tweet (29 July 2021)
  6. Nowell‎, Christina. "Extremism in the USA". MicroCommons.
  7. Google Maps Camp Lightbulb Review (Retrieved 07 August 2021)
  8. Reddit Reply to Post (Retrieved 14 August 2021)
  9. General Assembly of Cycoldia (April 6, 2020) Religious Extremism Act of 2020
  10. Twitter Tweet (22 July 2022)
  11. Office of the Summi Imperatoria Denouncement of Gregory Wayne Abbott (22 February 2022)
  12. Office of the Summi Imperatoria Denouncement of the United States Supreme Court (24 June 2022)
  13. Office of the Summi Imperatoria Endorsement of Robert Francis O'Rourke (31 May 2022)
  14. Twitter @CCycoldia Account (Retrieved 9 January 2024)
  15. Office of the Summi Imperatoria Statement on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill within Scotland (19 January 2023)
  16. Nowell, Christina (15 April 2021). "Resignation Statement of Christina Nowell".
  17. Imperial Orders of HIM Christina I Imperial Order 2.7 (pdf)
  18. General Assembly of Cycoldia (January 18, 2022) Succession Act of 2022
  19. General Assembly of Cycoldia (October 12, 2022) Assembly Shortening Act of 2021
  20. Government of Ostton Declaration of the Dissolution of the Federation (5 July 2024)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Office of the Summi Imperatoria Birthday Honours List of 2022 (Retrieved 6 May 2022)
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Office of the Summi Imperatoria Independence Day Honours List of 2022 (Retrieved 24 January 2023)
  23. Imgur Image of a Discord Message of the Announcement of Awarding by Ekaterina Elswick (Retrieved 18 May 2021)
  24. Office of the Summi Imperatoria Release of List of Recipients of the Quinquennium Jubilee Medal of Christina I & II (Retrieved 4 January 2024)
  25. Government of Jockromasa Official Knighthood Record #001
  26. Willson, William (31 December 2020). "Office of the Royal Household releases King William's first Birthday Honors lists". The Charlington Press.
  27. Banks, Amelia (31 December 2020). "Lyterian New Years Honours, 2020". The Royal Lyterian News.
  28. Order of Saturn Letters Patent of Christina I in the Order of Saturn (pdf)
  29. 29.0 29.1 Government of Sildavia Patent-Letter N°28 (23 December 2021)
  30. Government of Sildavia Carta Patente N°20 (20 August 2021) (Portuguese)
  31. Office of the King of Wynnland Royal Decree No.16 (pdf)
  32. Office of the President of the Penn Federal Republic Issue of Awards and Commemorations, Feb 2023 (21 February 2023)