Altearn Federation

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Altearn Federation

Flag of Altearn Federation
The Official Flag of the Altearn Federation, since December 7th, 2019.

Anthem: Preußens Gloria
Official languagesEnglish (Official), German (Secondary)
GovernmentParliamentary system constitutional monarchy
• Kaiserin
Christina I & II
• Prime Minister
Matthew Xia
from the United States
• Declaration of Independence
September 20th, 2019

• Citizens
CurrencyUSD, AE(Altearn Eagle)
Time zoneCentral Standard Time Cst

The Altearn Federation is a micronation that was founded in June, 2019 ruled by Christina I & II. Altearn is located in the Northern part of San Diego, California, occupying several municipal districts originally belonging to San Diego. The Kaiser Erik has ceded his title to another unknown person, and after a few months of the title being passed around, Matthew IV of Altearn has inherited the title of Kaiser and has retained Kaiser for a substantial period of time. Afterwards Matthew passed it to Erik, and Erik passed the title to Christina I & II. She is now both the Kaiser and the National Executive of the Altearn Federation. Altearn later joined the Cycoldian Imperium as a partial member.

History of the Federation

Simulationist Era

For quite some time, the Federation remained only a roleplay on discord, called the Nation of Altearn. This is a dark reflection that lingers upon the Altearn Federation. For this, the Federation has received criticism from other people and micronations alike.

The Nuke of the 17th

On September 17th, 2019, a neo-nazi under the alias "Ya Boi Pinochet" obtained moderator status in the Altearn discord server. The server lost 80% of it's members and all recorded archives on the server were deleted. This is not official history of the Federation, as this event technically occurred before the founding of the Altearn, but it still has an impact on the Federation to this day.

Introduction to True Micronationalism

On September 20th, 2019, the current Kaiser, Matthew IV of Altearn, declared Altearn an official micronation by publishing a map of the territories claimed by Altearn. From there, Matthew reformed Altearn from a simulationist roleplay to a legitimate micronation.

Colonial Period

This was a brief period where Altearn gained land from foreign entities and via other means. In this period, Altearn gained two territories, the Duchy of San Carlos(a gift from the Federal Republic of Caddia) and the Duchy of TexarkanaGald. During this period, Altearn was renamed to the Altearn Federation. Eventually, the Altearn Federation gave the Duchy of TexarkanaGald into the hands of the Union State of Vedessa due to the illegitimacy and logistical issues with the colony. In replacement, the Kaiser Matthew claimed a part of Catalina Island, an island off the coast of Long Beach. The Altearn Federation has no means or motives to expand further at this moment.

Diplomatic Era

In a way to gain more influence and support on the intermicronational level, the Altearn Federation has seeked diplomatic treaties with other micronations, the first treaty signed mutually with Cycoldia. Currently, the Altearn Federation officially recognizes four other micronations via diplomatic treaties alongside all the micronations which it recognises as a partial member of the Cycoldian Imperium.

Change of Colors

On December 6th, 2019, there was a referendum was held to change the flag, due to a lack of symbolism. The next day, the referendum passed, and the flag was officially changed. On the new flag, The blue represents the vast shores of the Federation, the black on top and the moon represent the clear skies typically seen on a night in Altearn, and the sun and the reflections on the water emphasize the beauty of the sun and the sea.

Change in Leadership

On February 3rd 2020 Matthew IV of Altearn abdicated the throne back to Erika I of Altearn, as well as his position as national executive.

Most recent thing that Erika has done as Kaiser is a suspension of the constitution on February 23rd, as-well of the recreation of the judge branch.

Second Change in Leadership

On 30 March 2020 Christina I & II took charge of the nation after the abdication of Erik I of Altearn. Later, Altearn joined the Cycoldian Imperium after Yu-Xia had declined to annex Altearn.