Alaixaiy Braus

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Alaixaiy Braus
Official portrait used by Alaixaiy Braus since March 2024.
Born31 October 2005
CitizenshipVinnish, French
TitlePresident of Vinland
Term20th September 2023 - present
Political party Vinland United Forward
MovementSocialism, environmentalism, radical left, pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA
HonorsHonorary Knight of the Order of Orion

Alaixaiy Braus is a Vinnisho-French citizen, and the current President and founder of Vinland. He is also known as the former Prince of the Principality of Vinland, as well as the founder of the Vinland United Forward, which is currently the main political party of the Republic of Vinland.

Born in France on the 31st Octobre 2005, he goes to the French public school, before deciding to enter College for a major in Political Science. His main interests are History (mostly around West Africa and Central/Eastern Europe), art, reading, climbing, and vexillology. He is mostly known today for being the founder, and current leader, of the Republic of Vinland.

Personal Life

Alaixaiy Braus was born on Octobre 31st 2005 in Versailles, France. He spent most of his life in a small town in the suburbs of Paris, attending public school there until its 11th grade. Between 2021 and 2022, he formed its first micronation, the Republic of Karland, before abolishing it after roughly 7 months due to harsh harassment from other micro nationalists. For personal reasons, he moved to the United-States of America during the summer of 2022, in the state of New York, however he does not live in New York City itself. He attended his last year of high school in a private French school before graduating in June 2023. After his graduation, he moved to Montreal Canada, in order to attend College at McGill University, for a major in Political Science

In order to protect his personal identity there are no current photos of Alaixaiy Braus in real life.


Since his fifteens, Alaixaiy Braus is what some would call a Republican, and is supporting ideologies such as multiculturalism, environmentalism, laicity, freedom, and equality. He got engaged with the French political party Place Publique (eng: Public place) since 2022, and he is a strong defender of International organizations, especially the European-Union and NATO. He actively push those values within his political party, the Vinland United Forward.

Significance in the Republic of Vinland

Alaixaiy Braus can be considered as a major person in the Vinnish history, as he's the founder of the Republic of Vinland and have been ruling it through its political reforms until now, and is occupying the position of President of the Republic of Vinland. He is also the founder of the Vinland United Forward party which is the single party of the Vinland that occupies the key post of the government.

He currently occupies the post of President delegate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to the Ministry of Internal Security, as well as being the official chief of the communication department of the Vinnish Government.

Significance in the Vinland United Forward party

As the founder and chairman of the Vinland United Forward, Alaixaiy B. is consider as one of the current pillar of the party. due to his investment in it, especially regarding the communication around the party's activities and legislative work.

Other Important actions

Alaixaiy Braus is also one of the micronational leader behind the foundation of the Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Organization, along with the president of Ethosia Sebastian S., and the president of Libertalia Connor McLean. He played role by being among the founder states, and designing the first emblem of the EACO.

Since then he progressively got more invested within the Organization, by proposing motions to determine more precisely the frame work of the Institution, while representing Vinland among the other members of the EACO. After The Sohnland's departure from the Organization, Alaixaiy Braus submitted a motion for Vinland to become the new leader of the European Cooperation Council of the EACO.

Position Held

Medal of the Order of Orion, the highest honor of the Republic of Vinland.

This the complete list of the positions held by Alaixaiy Braus to this day.

Position held Date
Prince of Ceaburg December 14th 2022- January 2nd 2023
Chancellor of Vinland January 2nd 2023 - February 26th 2023
Prince of Vinland February 26th 2023 - July 31st 2023
Prime Minister of Vinland July 31st 2023 - Septembre 20th 2023
President of the Republic of Vinland Septembre 20th 2023 - present
Grand Chief of the Order of Orion 25th December 2022 - present
Vinnish Representative to the EACO 11th May 2023 - present
Chairman of the Vinland United Forward party 21st May 2023 - present
Commodore of the Vinnish Civil Guard 31st July 2023 - 10th February 2024
Director of the Vinlandic National Research Institute 14th Septembre 2023 - present