Territories of the Republic of Vinland

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Vinlandic Territories

Official flags used to symbolize the 3 regions of the Republic of Vinland.
Official flags used to symbolize the 3 regions of the Republic of Vinland.

Administrative centerCeaburg
Common languagesFrench

• Total
0,020,967 km2 (8,095 sq mi)

• Citizens
3 to 14 (Protectorate non included, can vary depending on the season.)
Today part ofRepublic of Vinland

The Republic of Vinland has a large territory, its official land is spread between 3 Administrative Regions located in France and North America, and a protectorate located on the French western coast. The 3 Administrative Regions are fully considered as parts of the Republic's territory. However the Protectorate on the other side is still considered as a foreign territory under the special jurisdiction of the Republic of Vinland.

The Administrative Regions

Picture of a Palm tree from the Preiton Administrative Region undeer a blue sky by a sunny day.

The administrative regions of the Republic of Vinland are fully part of the micronation, and thus under the entire control of the Vinlandic Government. The defense of those territories is ensured by the Vinlandic Ministry of Defense and National Safety, and the borders are under the surveillance of the Borders & Customs Administration.

The two largest regions are the Region of Preyton, and the Region of Ursa Suden, both located in France. Preyton is located in the French region of Vendée, where as the region Ursa Suden is located more in the south, in the region of Pyrénées-Orientales.

The third region is the Municipality of Ceaburg, which as the peculiarity of being an online region, meaning there are no physical territory. It's entire existence is resumed to a discord server. However, the Municipality of Ceaburg is a key region to the Republic of Vinland, as it's the capital city both de facto and de jure, while also harboring the HQ of the Civil Guard and the HSIA.

The Protectorate of Litiry Island

The Protectorate of Litiry Island is located on the coast of the French region of Brittany. Due to the territory's status as a protectorate, the functionate of the Island is quite different from the fully incorporated regions.

Indeed the Republic of Vinland handles the protection of the territory via the National Police, and reserves itself the right to intervene with its armed forces if the Island was about to be threatened by a foreign power. The Republic of Vinland's government also has a right of regard in the Island's internal affairs, but does not have the right to interfere in them and let the island decide of its policies itself, except for the foreign relationships.

Flags and coat of arms

Offical Name Flag Coat of arms Area Legal Status
Municipality of Ceaburg
N/A Administrative region of the Republic of Vinland
Region of Ursa Suden
1122m² Administrative region of the Republic of Vinland
Region of Preyton
608m² Administrative region of the Republic of Vinland
Protectorate of Litiry Island
19237m² Protectorate of the Republic of Vinland