United Sovereignties

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United Sovereignties
Intermicronational organisation

Headquarters 'United Sovereignties' (discord server)

Official language English.

– Security Council
Republic of Libertalia
Republic of The Sohnland
– Full Members
Sovereign Municipality of Ameristralia

– General Secretary Connor McLean (Libertalia)
– Vice Secretary Vacant
– Foundation 14 March 2022
– Election N/A

The United Sovereignties, (abbr. USov) in both formal and informal capacities, is an inter-micronational organization founded again on 14 March 2022 by Connor Mclean of the Republic of Libertalia. Many of its core members came from the Twitter micronational community, and congregated to form an organization dedicated to promoting cooperation and fair diplomacy within the micronational community.


Full Membership

Full members within the United Sovereignties are members that enjoy all rights and duties given to a member state: they can contribute to discussions and debates, vote on proposals, elections and membership applications. Full members may appoint a representative to stand for election to any staff positions in the organization.

Full members

Member state Code Date of admission[a]
 Republic of Libertalia ROL 14 March 2022
 Republic of The Sohnland TSL 6 April 2022
 The Sovereign Municipality of Ameristralia AMR 7 April 2022


Charter as of 2022

USOV Charter as of 2022

Current Projects

External Links

Twitter account

Sohnlandic USOV mission website (usov.tslgov.info)

Membership application

  1. Date that the state became a provisional member prior to full membership. If a state has been a member a number of times, the most recent date of admission is given.