LGBTQ+ Rights in Vinland

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Gender identityYes
MilitaryAllowed to serve within the Uniformed services
Family rights
Recognition of relationshipsCivil Unions

Due to the Vinlandic Foundation Act, all the citizens are guaranteed the same rights under the 3rd article. However an heavy legal work is underway in order to solidify the LGBTQ+ rights within Vinland. This work is expected to be fully finished by the beginning of February 2024.

Category Vinland Notes
Same-sex sexual activity Yes According to the 3rd article of the Foundation Act, all citizens are equals in rights, including the one of having free and consensual

sexual relations.

Equal age of consent Yes The age of consent is the same for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Anti-discrimination laws in employment Yes According to the 3rd article of the Foundation Act, all citizens are equals in rights, including the one of being employed.
Anti-discrimination laws in all other areas Yes According to the 3rd article of the Foundation Act, all citizens are equals in rights and dignity.
Hate crimes laws covering gender identity Yes According to the Section II, Article 7 of the Special protocole nº001, hate crimes, include actions against gender identity, are punished according to Section III of the said Protocole.
Anti-hate speech legislation Yes According to the Section II, Article 7 of the Special protocole nº001, hate speech are included in hate crimes, and punish them.
Recognition of same-sex couples (e.g. civil unions) Yes According to the 3rd article of the Foundation Act, all citizens are equals in rights, including the one of having free and consensual civil union.
Marriage Equality (e.g. Same sex marriage) Marriage is not practiced by the state Marriage is not recognised by the state.
Adoption by same-sex couples Yes No laws prevent same-sex adoption
Homosexuals allowed to serve openly in the military Yes The Civil Guard allows homosexual to apply for a post.
Neo-pronouns recognised Neo pronouns have not been used by the government No laws established the recognized pronouns, however they are mostly accepted.
Transgender people allowed to serve openly in uniformed services Yes The Ministry of Internal Security allows both homosexual and transgender people to serve in its uniformed services.
Right to change legal gender Yes According to the Section I, Article 12 of the Special protocole nº001, citizens of Vinland are allowed to change their legal gender.
Access to in vitro fertilisation for lesbians Yes No law denies the right to in vitro fertilisation for lesbians.
Homosexuals allowed to donate blood Yes No law denies the right for homosexuals to give blood.