First Constitution of the Republic of Vinland

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Constitution of the Republic of Vinland
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The cover of the National Constitution of the Republic of Vinland, which was proclaimed on Septembre 20th 2023. This cover features the Greatest coat of arms of the Republic of Vinland.

The Constitution of the Republic of Vinland was proclaimed on Septembre 20th 2023 by Alaixaiy Braus. The Constitution is regarded as the "Supreme Law" of Vinland and thus, cannot be overruled. It defines the founctionement of the Vinlandic institutions, and states the citizens' basic rights and duties toward the State, which in return ensure the protection of those rights.

Content of the Constitution

We the people of the Republic of Vinland, proclaim on this day this new Constitution for our State. With this Constitution we want to put an end to the absolute power granted to the Prime Minister by the Foundation Act of July 31st 2023, and emphasize a more democratic approach to the organization of the Nation, while offering the citizens a more participative approach.

The present Constitution will act as the Supreme Law of the State and cannot be overruled by any laws. It will be composed in the following terms:

1. The Republic of Vinland is a laic, secular, and sovereign State that shall defend the equality and dignity of the citizens before the law, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, their ethnicity, and their religious beliefs.

2. All laws are made for the future, and thus cannot have a retroactive effect.

3. The official flag of the Republic of Vinland is the blue, white, and golden flag.

The official Emblem is a golden double headed eagle with a shield bearing the National flag on his chest.

The National Day is the Foundation Day on December the fourteenth (14th).

The National motto is “aequalitas, pax et iustitia”.

Part I: The citizens

4. All the citizens are equals in rights and dignity before the State and the law.

5. All citizens have the freedom to dispose of their own bodies the way they want without any exterior constraints. This freedom shall know no limits as long as it does not threaten the Collectivity.

6. All citizens have the right to freely believe, the right to decent healthcare, education, and a proper environment to live in.

7. All citizens shall have the freedoms of expressing themselves freely, the freedom to assemble peacefully, the freedom to found and join associations within the country, and the freedom of thought. Those freedoms shall know no limits except where the other’s freedoms start.

8. All citizens aged eighteen (18) years old or older, are eligible to the elective functions of the Republic of Vinland, unless they are indicted by Justice.

All citizens are allowed to participate in the ballots of the Republic of Vinland.

9. Is defined as a citizen any individual meeting the criterias established by organic law.

All citizens aged seventeen (17) years old or older are allowed to vote in any elections and referendums.

10. All citizens shall contribute, in the events where the Nation is threatened, to the National Defense to the maximum of their capacities.

11. No individuals within the Vinlandic Borders shall be subject to arbitrary detention nor torture.

12. No citizens shall be prosecuted by Justice for refusing to follow an order that would have implied the flouting of Human Rights.

13. When they are oppressed by a Tyrant, Insurrection is the fundamental right of the Citizens.

Part II: The State and the President

14. The State shall never exercise any form of discrimination against its citizens.

15. The State is composed of Legislative, Executive and Judiciary powers that shall remain separated between at least two bodies.

16. The President is the Supreme Leader of the Republic of Vinland, and s. he’s appointed for an undetermined period of time through Presidential Decree.

17. The President is the Head of the Executive and Judiciary powers, thus s. he’s tasked with applying the laws, and appointing the judges responsible of the Justice.

18. The President is responsible for ensuring the unity of the country and the peace within the Vinlandic borders.

19. The President has a right of Veto on the Congress’ laws and is also allowed to present a law project to the Congress.

The President shall preside at the yearly opening session of the Congress, and is also allowed to attend the Congress’ sessions.

The President is allowed to dissolve the Congress and organize new elections for the Congress’ seats.

20. The President can promulgate laws through Presidential decrees without consulting the Congress for matters such as the National Defense or the Foreign Relations.

21. In the case of a major threat to the Vinlandic inhabitants’ lives, the President has the right to declare an Emergency State, thus receiving the full and emergency powers for a two (2) months period.

In order to conserve the emergency powers for a longer duration, the President must receive the unanimous approval of the Congress, which will determine the duration of the emergency.

Part III: The Congress

22. The Congress is composed of seven (7) Representatives elected every three (3) years through a direct secret ballot by the Vinlandic Population.

The Representatives must be citizens aged eighteen (18) years old or older when appointed, and cannot be appointed if they are  or have been involved in an affair related to the Vinlandic Justice.

The seats will be attributed to the Representatives according to a proportionnal system ; a seat will also be attributed to each independent candidate with a result equal or above a level determined through organic law.

23. The Representatives and their backup candidate must swear an oath on the Constitution to respect Democracy, the Vinlandic Institutions and people, and to always act in the Nation’s best interests.

24. The Chairman of the Congress is appointed by the President after the results of the election.

25. The Representative may propose laws to the Congress for them to be voted, during the weekly sessions.

If more than two thirds of the Representatives (five (5) of them) agree, they can summon an extraordinary session to debate on a situation judged as urgent.

26. A law can be proposed to the Congress either by the Representatives or the President.

27. When a law is proposed, all Representatives are allowed to propose amendments to the said law.

Each amendment must be discussed and voted by the Congress in order to be added to the law project.

Once all amendments have been discussed and voted the revised law will be under a final vote of the Congress, to approve it.

When the law is approved, it shall be approved by the Supreme Court, which will ensure that the law abides by the Constitution.

Once approved by both the Congress and the Supreme Court, the law will be promulgated by the President.

28. If a law is vetoed by the President or refused by the Supreme Court, a motive of the decision must be given to the Congress which shall have the possibility to re-adapt the law in order to fit the criterias.

Part IV: The Supreme Court

29. The Supreme Court is the highest State's judicial power.

The Supreme Court is composed of three (3) Honorable Judges appointed directly by the President.

Each Honorable Judge is appointed for a six (6) years term, which can be renewed indefinitely.

The Honorable Judges cannot be removed from Office during their mandate.

30. The Honorable Judges must be citizens aged eighteen (18) years old or older when appointed, and cannot be appointed if they are  or have been involved in an affair related to the Vinlandic Justice.

32The Honorary Judges are responsible for ensuring that each law passed by the Congress abides by the Constitution.

In the Event where the law is judged against the Constitution, the Honorable Judges can veto a law.

33. The Honorable Judges must swear the same oath as the Congress’ Representatives.

34. The Supreme Court Judges are tasked with controlling the Judiciary system, and thus shall know no outside pressure on its work.

The Honorable Judges are responsible for ruling any legal conflict between the Government and any other party.

In the event where a Judge is allegedly failing to fulfill their duties as a representative of the Law, the Honorable Judges are allowed to discharge them from their post.

35. The Honorable Judges can summon a special Investigation Committee on a special topic  if they deem it necessary or if they receive a written request addressed by at least forty-five percent (45%) of the citizens or two-hundred thousands (200,000) of them.

Part V: Foreign Relations and Emergency Situations

36. The President is in direct charge of the Vinlandic Civil Guard and the Foreign Relations of the Republic of Vinland.

37. The President is the only one allowed to negotiate and sign international treaties, and to have the power to delegate this task to someone else if deemed necessary.

38. In the event where a treaty could question the National sovereignty of the Republic, it shall be submitted to a consultation with the Supreme Court, or directly with the population through a National Referendum.

To be accepted the treaty must be approved by two-thirds of the population.

39. The Republic of Vinland shall never support territorial changes without the consultation of the populations living on the said territory.

40. The Republic of Vinland shall always advocate for peace, dialogue,  and diplomacy to solve issues.

41. The Vinlandic Civil Guard shall never intervene on a Foreign soil without the approval of the Congress.

42. In the case of an arm threat on the Nation, the President shall propose a State of War motion to the Congress.

In order to be adopted the motion must be approved by the majority of the Congress.

In the case of a Foreign Invasion, the State of War will automatically be adopted.

43. During a State of War the President has the full powers until the end of the war.

44. During a State of War the Congress is still allowed to operate as usual, however no elections will be held before the end of the War.

45. After the end of the War elections shall be held within a six (6) months delay.

46. The newly elected Congress will vote in order to keep or not law passed during the State of War.

This process only applies for the laws passed  through Presidential Decrees.

47. During a State of War all citizens are required to support the War Effort to the best of their abilities.

48. In the case of a natural disaster or other threatening events, the Nation shall go under an Emergency State according to the dispositions of Article 21.

49. In the event where the current President is not in position of assuming its functions anymore, and where no successor was designated by the President prior to the event, the Chairman of the Congress shall temporarily become the new President, and organize a direct election to choose the new President.

Part VI: Modification to the Constitution

50. The Representatives are allowed to submit a proposal to amend the current Constitution.

The amendments to the Constitution must be approved by two-thirds of the Congress to be applied.

51. The Citizens can submit an amendment proposal to the Congress, in order to get it approved the amendment must follow the same dispositions than the one prescribed in Article 27.

In order to fully change the Constitution, the Citizen shall address a written request to the Congress, following the same criteria as in Articles 27 & 28.

The Congress shall approve the said request only through a unanimous vote of all the members.

If the Project is adopted by the Congress it shall be submitted to the Supreme Court which shall organize a National Referendum as soon as possible.

If the new Constitution is approved by eighty percent (80%) or more of the citizens, then it will be proclaimed.

52. The President has no right nor capabilities to interfere with a Constitution proposition.

53. If the President wants to Promulgate a new Constitution, he shall do it via a direct referendum to the population.

If the new Constitution is approved by eighty percent (80%) or more of the citizens, then it will be proclaimed.