Template:Infobox Cycoldian legislation/doc

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name (or shorttitle)
Coat of Arms of the Cycoldian Imperium
Other short titles othershorttitles
Long title fullname (or longtitle)
Acronyms (colloquial) acronyms (or acronym)
Nicknames nicknames (or nickname)
Enacted by the General Assembly
Effective effective date (or effectivedate)
Statutes at Large cite statutes at large
Acts affected acts affected
Acts amended acts amended (or actsamended)
Acts repealed acts repealed (or actsrepealed)
Titles amended title amended (or titlesamended)
G.A. orders created sections created (or sectionscreated)
G.A. orders amended sections amended (or sectionsamended)
Agencies affected agenciesaffected
Legislative history
  • Introduced in the introducedin as introducedbill by introducedby on introduceddate
  • Committee consideration by committees
  • Passed the passedbody1 on passeddate1 (passedvote1)
  • Passed the passedbody2 as the passedas2 on passeddate2 (passedvote2) with amendment
  • Reported by the joint conference committee on conferencedate; agreed to by the passedbody3 on passeddate3 (passedvote3) and by the passedbody4 on passeddate4 (passedvote4)
  • agreedbody3 agreed to passedbody2 amendment on agreeddate3 (agreedvote3) with further amendment
  • agreedbody4 agreed to agreedbody3 amendment on agreeddate4 (agreedvote4)
  • Granted Assent by assentmonarch on assentdate
  • Refused Assent by noassentmonarch on noassentdate

{{Infobox Cycoldian legislation
| shorttitle        = 
| othershorttitles  =
| longtitle         = <!--Starts "An act to..." or "A motion to..." -->
| colloquialacronym = 
| nickname          = 
| enacted by        = 
| announced by      = 
| effective date    = 
| public law url    = 
| cite public law   = <!--Name of the motion "M-#"-->
| cite statutes at large = 
| acts amended    = 
| acts repealed   = 
| title amended   = <!--GA order titles changed-->
| sections created = 
| sections amended = 
| agencies affected = 
| leghisturl      = 
| introducedin    = <!--House of Lords or General Assembly-->
| introducedbill  = 
| introducedby    = <!--sponsor(s)-->
| introduceddate  = 
| committees      = 
| passedbody1     = 
| passeddate1     = 
| passedvote1     = 
| passedbody2     = 
| passedas2       = <!-- used if the second body changes the name of the legislation -->
| passeddate2     = 
| passedvote2     = 
| conferencedate  = 
| passedbody3     = 
| passeddate3     = 
| passedvote3     = 
| agreedbody3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreeddate3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedvote3     = <!-- used when the other body agrees without going into committee -->
| agreedbody4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreeddate4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| agreedvote4     = <!-- used if agreedbody3 further amends legislation -->
| passedbody4     = 
| passeddate4     = 
| passedvote4     = 
| assentmonarch   = 
| signeddate      = 
| noassentmonarch = <!-- used when assent is refused by the monarch -->
| unsigneddate    = <!-- used when assent is refused by the monarch -->
| amendments      = 
| SCOTUS cases    = 