List of lost media related to Nicaea

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Throughout over a decade of historical existence, the Free Kingdom of Nicaea has gathered a lot of lost media, whether due to time or poor record-keeping on the part of the royal house - this media ranges from lost accounts, to lost videos, to lost documents (including Wiki articles), and far more besides.

This list compiles all known lost, partially lost (or potentially recoverable), and non-existent media pertaining to the Free Kingdom of Nicaea.

Lost media

  • Come Out, Ye Black and Blues (original video): Come Out, Ye Black and Blues was a song written and produced during the Ozark Crisis as anti-Ethosian propaganda, notable for its poor singing and lack of music - it was sung to the beat of the Irish rebel song “Come Out Ye Black and Tans”. The video, uploaded to YouTube was deleted, albeit downloaded beforehand, as Basileia Alexandra disliked her poor performance of the song. It would later be wiped off the hard drive when Alexandra attempted to switch the government computer to Linux following the CrowdStrike Outage. The lyrics have been preserved and, in the future, it may be possible a remake of the song, featuring a commissioned singer and a musical track for the purpose of Nicene cultural preservation.
  • Great Micronational War (MicroWiki article): An article created in 2019 for what is now called the Nicene-Etukara War, this article was quickly deleted by MW administrators due to the title. Cimbrun and Etukan briefly agreed to rewrite the article before Etukan left the community in 2022. A rewrite on DoveArchives, under the current name, is considered possible, but not a high priority given the current political situation in Nicaea and possibility of rejection of any request for Nicaea alone to write the article by the former Etukara government.
  • Desslok Files (documents, multiple): Desslok Visari Nafage, leader of the Nexan Republic, a former official within the Hellenistic Empire of Cimbrun and arguably its éminence grise, had numerous files within his organization, most of them incoherent ramblings that abruptly stop at some point or treaties. A few of these, particularly those more damning to him as an individual, have since been deleted. As these documents have no known copies, and no person that could have copied them and the Nicene government is on speaking terms with is known they are considered lost. The Decrezitlord system is considered lost, and other documents such as "An Ultimate Confession", which details Desslok's life story before founding the Nexus, is considered at least partially found, and information on a conspiracy theory Desslok subscribed to, about a group of superhumans being experimented on by the government (and the belief that Desslok was one in a past life), is considered permanently lost.

Partially found/potentially lost media

  • Declaration of war on Pokespot and the EPS: A physical declaration of war on the Pokemon groups of Pokespot and the EPS, known enemies of the Grandeur Empire of Orini, the earliest Irikladian state was once made and printed out. However, it was thrown out shortly after being found due to considerable age. A digital copy was made using a scanner, however, it is unclear if this copy has been retained on the Queen Mother's laptop.

Found Media

  • Treaty of New Bedford: The Kingdom of Gothanstein was a little-known Reddit micronation that briefly existed in 2022. Alexandra attempted to enforce a personal union on them after they requested a king, and the Treaty of New Bedford would have resulted in the finalization of this. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister of Gothanstein rejected the deal upon learning Alexandra may have had ulterior motives. The treaty was presumed deleted. However, it was found among treaties on the official Imperium of Cimbrun account, which outside the Nicene Broadcasting Corporation, has been long neglected.