List of current micronational heads of state and government

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This is a list of current heads of state and heads of government. In some cases, mainly in presidential systems, there is only one leader being both head of state and head of government. In other cases, mainly in semi-presidential and parliamentary systems, the head of state and the head of government are different people. In semi-presidential and parliamentary systems, the head of government role (i.e. executive branch) is fulfilled by both the listed head of government and the head of state. In single-party systems, the ruling party's leader is usually the de facto top leader of the state, though sometimes this leader also holds the presidency or premiership.

The list includes the names of recently elected or appointed heads of state and government who will take office on an appointed date, as presidents-elect and prime ministers-designate, and those leading a government in exile if recognised by other states.

Sovereign States

Colour key
  Green cells indicate leaders whose offices constitutionally administer the executive of their respective state/government.
  Blue cells indicate de facto executive branch leaders whose offices lack de jure constitutional power.
Note: Names in small font generally denote acting, interim, transitional, temporary leaders, or representatives.Other notes and exceptions are provided at § Notes.
Country Head of state Head of government
 Altearn Kaiserin – Christina I & II[α]
Governor-general – Vacant
Prime Minister – Matthew Xia
 Creek and Lake Queen – Christina I & II[α]
Governor-general – Ra'ees Richards
Prime Minister – Ra'ees Richards
 Cycoldia Summi Imperatoria – Christina I & II Prime Minister – Kevon Burnett
 Dathuria Queen – Christina I & II[α]
Viceroy – Kevon Burnett
Grand Duke – Kevon Burnett
 Ethosia President – Gabriel Sebastian
Jockromasa Empress – Christina I & II[α]
Governor-general – Evan Paul
Imperial Regent – Evan Paul
 Libertalia President – Connor McLean
 Lur Empress – Christina I & II[α]
Governor-general – Vacant
 Nicaea Basileia – Alexandra I Irikladis
 Penn President – Devin Purcell
Pinang President – Tobey Wyles Prime Minister – Jewele Olsen
 Ponchartrain-Maurepas King – Andrew I Prime Minister – Alexandra Terrel
Sequeria Queen – Christina I & II[α]
Governor-general – Willow Dziedzic
Prime Minister – Willow Dziedzic
 Sohnland, The Supreme Leader – Ethan S.
 Vinland President – Alaixaiy Braus

Supernational Entities

Entity Head of entity Head of government
Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Organisation Secretary General - Gabriel Sebastian Secretary General of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council – Connor McLean
Secretary General of the European Cooperation Council – Vacant
Organisation of Free and Democratic Micronations Secretary General - Tobey Wyles President of the Council – Tobey Wyles
President of the Parliamentary Assembly – Christina Nowell


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Christina I & II is seperately and equally the monarch of several sovereign states who are members of the the Cycoldian Imperium. In each of these states (with the exception of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia, the Leading State of the Imperium), she is represented at the national level by a governor-general or viceroy.